Tiina Puumalainen:
“Directing a play often begins with words: reading a play or a book. And I love reading. But our work happens on stage, and for me that means that - in addition to what is written to the lines - we have to find the story behind the words and create a visual way to show it to the audience.
I’m often fascinated by stories with characters who can not speak for themselves. Or stories with elements that words don’t cover: emotions, dreams and connections that cannot be explained… and sometimes the best way - or the only way - to share them with the audience is music and dance.
I’ve made stage adaptations of several classics like Blood Wedding, Carmen and The Wolf’s Bride combining drama and choreography in the storytelling. In these productions dancing seemed to be the natural language for Bride, Carmen and Aalo, and also the only way to express or share their passions. “
Beginning from the TOP:
Rehearsal Photo © Matti Kivekäs:
Veren häät The Blood wedding
Sirpa Suutari-Jääskö (Bride) and Jukka Haapalainen (Leonardo) & Osku Heiskanen. 2004. Osku was responsible for the choreographies for the ensemble of Veren Häät while Sirpa and Jukka choreographed their own dancing. But this precious moment captured them all, exchanging opinions.
Photo Teppo Järvinen
Sudenmorsian The Wolf’s Bride
Sirpa Suutari-Jääskö and Jukka Haapalainen are exceptionally talented both in dance and drama. They have an outstanding ability to bring their characters to life in their own intelligent and passionate choreographies, and working with them is always a privilege.
Photo from the rehearsals of Sudenmorsian The Wolf’s Bride :
Osku and the ensemble.
Choreographer Osku Heiskanen masters musicals ad well as opera and drama. Both his creativity and patience seem to be endless! We have worked together a lot, and it’s always a pleasure.
Rehearsal photo of Kohtalon tango- El Tango de la Guardia Vieja.
Kohtalon tango was one of the collaborations we’ve had with the Dance Theatre MD. MD is a Finnish dance company with strong ties to the theatre field. MD’s ambitious and skilful team can cope with a huge variety of genres and always make the best of show. http://www.tanssiteatterimd.fi/en/
Photo © Teppo Järvinen, rehearsals of Carmen, opening scene.
The loyal, skilful and creative ensemble of our dear home base theatre TTT consists of theatre professionals always ready to do their best. Actresses and actors are fluent in all genres and bravely ready to try new things.
Photo © Mats Bäcker The Phantom of the Opera, Masquerade
Dancing is of course a vital part of every musical. In The Phantom of the Opera we had a great team (both in the Finnish National Opera and in the GöteborgsOperan), capable to bring superb quality and class to the dance, and join the ensemble in the scenes fluently.