Tiina Puumalainen and Teppo Järvinen both have a long career in the Finnish theatre for stages big and small. This website focuses on their collaboration as a director-scenographer couple on drama, musical theatre, dance and opera productions. But on their personal résumés there is also information on their individual projects, writing and work for television and other medias.
Studio Drammatica is our dream factory,
our home stage,
our scene:
it’s about
what we do, who we are.
We live in Finland, in a small town of Kaarina which is situated next to Turku (Åbo). Our home and atelier is in Rauhalinna, a seaside paradise from 1850 (though in need of our constant love and care).
But we also work globally as a team.
Studio Drammatica
Rauhalinnan Kartano
Iso-Rauhalinnantie 70
20780 Kaarina
+358 44 266 9767 (Teppo)